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Join Us for a No-Cost "A Call for Life Coaches" Masterclass:
Launch and Grow Your Purpose-Driven and Profitable Coaching Business

In this masterclass will learn:
Building a Solid Foundation:
  • Discover the essential elements of a purpose-driven coaching business.
  • Learn how to integrate faith and spirituality into your business model.
  • Understand the importance of prayer in guiding your business decisions and growth.

Crafting Your Signature Program:
  • Identify the unique value you offer to your clients.
  • Design a signature coaching program that aligns with your purpose and attracts your ideal clients.
  • Learn strategies for effective program delivery and client engagement.
Strategies for Sustainable Growth:
  • Develop a business model that supports consistent growth and long-term sustainability.
  • Explore marketing techniques that resonate with your target audience and reflect your values.
  • Learn how to build a supportive community to foster relationships and create lasting impact.

- Coach Telisa Washington

The Woman Christian CEO’s LeadHERship 90 Day Coaching program enabled me to fulfill my vision of becoming a certified empowerment coach creating a generational stream of income and a 500% return on my investment.

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